Corporate Social Responsibility

Habanero Ventures conducts its affairs in accordance with the highest ethical business practices and complies with all applicable laws and regulations worldwide.

We therefore have an employee Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (the Code) which sets forth legal and ethical standards of conduct for all officers and employees of Habanero Ventures .  

Habanero Ventures communicates this to all employees and every employee has the duty to read, understand, and comply with the Code.  

Habanero Ventures employees are expected to use good judgment and common sense in complying with the Code, which applies to Habanero Ventures and all of its subsidiaries and other business entities controlled by Habanero Ventures worldwide. 

Habanero Ventures employees, directors, contractors, and agents are required to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to Habanero Ventures wherever it does business. 

As part of our commitment to business ethics, Habanero Ventures has implemented strong equality, privacy, safety, and anti-slavery policies.

We support nonprofit organizations, strengthen local communities, promote learning and environmental awareness by:

Charitable Work: Spending time spent volunteering and fundraising for charities and make charitable donations. 

Work Experience: Participating in work experience schemes and recruitment of trainees and interns.

Vendors: Using local and ethically responsible suppliers. 

Ethics Workshops: Participation in work ethics and inclusiveness workshops. 

Employee Learning Fund: Training and continued learning for all our staff with courses, seminars, and events. 

Online pay stubs and payslips: For all staff and talent saving thousands of pieces of paper each week. 

Paperless Offices: Talent handbooks, onboarding documents, and surveys are all online. We enable clients to approve timecards and view invoices online.

Reuse & recycle: All staff are required to reuse, recycle and use all equipment or materials wisely.

Earth-Friendly Practices: Including donating used equipment and furniture and eliminating single-use products. We use video conferencing rather than air travel whenever possible. 

This statement is reviewed and updated annually to make sure we are in compliance with the latest guidelines and to include any new incentives.